


本記事は、F.A. Hayekの二つの論文:「「社会的」という言葉―それはなにを意味するのか」("What is 'Social'? — What Does it Mean?") と、「民主主義社会における企業―だれの利益のため?」("The Corporation in a Democratic Society: In Whose Interest Ought It To and Will It Be Run?")の内容を関連させてまとめたものである。ハイエクの引用は日本語で載せたかったが、如何せん手元に日本語の全集がないので、とりあえず英語で。


[T]he final conclusion emerging from my deliberations has been that the word 'social' has become an adjective that robs of its clear meaning every phrase it qualifies and transforms it into a phrase of unlimited elasticity, the implications of which can always be distorted if they are unacceptable, and the use of which, as a general rule, serves merely to conceal the lack of real agreement between men regarding a formula upon which, in appearance, they are supposed to be agreed. (Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, p.238)

19世紀の中頃から、20世紀の初めにかけての「社会的」という言葉の意味の変遷は、時代の思考の流れを忠実に反映している。というのも、「社会的」という言葉は、本来の(「社会」という概念が発見された18世紀の中頃からの)「自生的に生じた人間関係の秩序」という意味から、「倫理的」とか、単に「善い」といった言葉に徐々に取って代わってきたからである。言語や慣習といった、「社会的諸力」(social forces)や「社会的構造」(social structures)と言う時、我々はまだ前者の意味で使っているが、「社会的責任」(social responsibility)や「社会(的)正義」(social justice)と言う時、「社会的」という言葉は全く別の、倫理的・規範的な要求を含意している。では、従来の意味の「倫理的」と、「社会的」という言葉が意味するところの「倫理的」はどう違うのだろうか。

これを見るためにはまず、「社会問題」(social question)が初めて公共の議題になった19世紀中頃の状況に目を向けよう。この時代、政治の議論は(大雑把に言って)狭い上流階級の人々に限られていた。彼らの間で、当時政治活動に参加することができなかった、社会の「最も数多く、最も貧しい」人々を「救済」しようという責任感が芽生えていた。「文明世界」(civilized world)が、それまで存在が知られていなかった「地下世界」('underworld')を「発見」したこの頃から、「社会的」という語は「弱者の救済」という新たな意味を帯び始めた。これと並行して、従来の「倫理的」な規範の遵守と、「社会的」な思考の要求との間に境界線を引き、前者に対する後者の優位を(暗黙裡に)説く思想の学派が登場してきた。前者は消極的な要求であり(例えば「盗むなかれ」、「嘘を吐くなかれ」といった禁止の形態をとる)、また一般的・抽象的である(それぞれの行為の具体的帰結を問題としない)。これに対して後者は、社会の全成員に対する積極的なオブリゲーションを課すとともに、行為の具体的帰結を問題にし、それらに則って行為を律するよう我々に要求する。この思想の学派は、言うまでもなくサン・シモン、コント、マルクスの系譜の人々である。


「社会(的)」という形容詞を冠する言葉は数え切れないほどある。「社会(的)意識」(social awareness)、「社会的良心」(social conscience)、「社会的責任」(social responsibility)、「社会活動」(social activities)、「社会福祉」(social welfare)、「社会政策」(social policy)、「社会立法」(social legislation)、「社会正義」(social justice)、「社会保障」(social insurance)、「社会的権利」(social rights)、「社会的規制」(social control)などなど。「社会民主主義」(social democracy)という言葉に至っては、もはや何のことかさっぱり分からない。社会的でない民主主義とは一体どんな民主主義なのであろうか。
The important thing, to me, is that in all these uses the word 'social' presupposes the existence of known and common aims behind the activities of a community, but does not define them. It is simply assumed that 'society' has certain concrete tasks that are known to all and are acknowledged by all, and that 'society' should direct the endeavours of its individual members to the accomplishment of these tasks. 'Society' thus assumes a dual personality: it is firstly a thinking, collective entity with aspirations of its own that are different from those of the individuals of whom it is composed; and secondly, by identifying it with them, it becomes the personification of the views held on these social aspirations by certain individuals who claim to be endowed with a more profound insight or to possess a stronger sense of moral values. Frequently enough a speaker will claim that his own views and aspirations are 'social', while those of his opponent are brushed aside as 'anti-social'. There is, I think, no need for me further to emphasize that, when 'social' is used in the sense of 'serving the interests of society', it certainly raises a problem, but provides no solution. It concedes precedence to certain values to which society should adhere, but it does not describe them. Were the word strictly used in this sense, there would, I think, be but little objection. In point of fact, however, not only does it compete in many ways with existing ethical values, but it has also undermined their prestige and influence. Indeed, I am coming more and more to the belief that the substitution of this rubber word, 'social', to denote values we have always described as 'moral', may well be one of the main causes of the general degeneration of moral sense in the world. (ibid, p.242-3)
「社会的」という言葉の意味の変遷(というよりは「無意味化」と言った方が正しいだろう)は、社会に関する合理主義・設計主義的な見方の発展と深く関係している。この合理主義は、具体的帰結が見えず、その意味が理解できない伝統的・暗黙的な倫理的規範を軽視し、明示化できる具体的な目的の追求を重視する。かくして、「社会的行動」('social behaviour')の要求は、その成立そのものを可能にしてきたはずの倫理的土台を自ら破壊していく。この倫理的規範の破壊は、「個人の責任」(personal responsibility)を巡る問題において特に顕著である。
Originally, the appeal to the social sense was expected to lead to a more widely spread acceptance of personal responsibility. But the confusion that arose between the further aims to which the individual man should aspire, between the taking-into-consideration of social repercussions and social—in the sense of collective—behaviour, and between the moral obligations of the individual to the community and his claims upon it, has gradually undermined that sense of personal responsibility which is the foundation of all ethics. ... Indeed, there seems to me to be very little doubt that this whole process which has thoroughly confused the issue as regards personal responsibility, absolving the individual on the one hand of all responsibility as regards his immediate environment and, on the other hand, placing upon him vague and undefined responsibilities for things that are not clearly apparent, has, by and large, led to a marked diminution of man's sense of personal responsibility. Without placing upon the individual any new and clear obligations which he has to fulfill by his own personal endeavours, it has expunged the boundaries of all responsibility and has become a standing invitation to make further demands or to do good at the expense of others. (ibid, p.245)


If we want effectively to limit the powers of corporations to where they are beneficial, we shall have to confine them much more than we have yet done to one specific goal, that of the profitable use of the capital entrusted to the management by the stockholders. I shall argue that it is precisely the tendency to allow and even to impel the corporations to use their resources for specific ends other than those of a long-run maximization of the return on the capital placed under their control which tends to confer upon them undesirable and socially dangerous powers and that the fashionable doctrine that their policy should be guided by 'social considerations' is likely to produce most undesirable results. (ibid, p.300)

If the large aggregations of capital which the corporations represent could, at the discretion of the management, be used for any purpose approved as morally or socially good, if the opinion of the management that a certain end was intellectually or aesthetically, scientifically or artistically desirable, were to justify expenditure by the corporation for such purposes, this would turn corporations from institutions serving the expressed needs of individual men into institutions determining which ends the efforts of individual men should serve. To allow the management to be guided in the use of funds, entrusted to them for the purpose of putting them to the materially most productive use, by what they regard as their social responsibility, would create centres of uncontrollable power never intended by those who provided the capital. (ibid, p. 305)



労働者の利益を優先するべきだという主張については、詳しくはハイエクの論文「労働組合、インフレ、および利潤」("Unions, Inflation, and Profits")を参照されたいが、簡単に要約するとある特定の閉じた労働者集団を保護することは、他の労働者の自由な参入を拒むことである。閉じた労働者集団の賃上げ要求は、就職率の低下をもたらす。というのも、企業の側が出せる賃金の総量は変わらない(市場の内生的な成長の結果賃金が上がった場合は別の話である。ここで問題にしているのは市場の内生的成長を伴わない人工的な賃上げ圧力である)ので、その労働者集団に支払わなければならない賃金が上昇し、その額以下の賃金で働こうと思っている新たな労働者の参入が阻害されるならば、企業が新たに雇うことのできる労働者の人数は必然的に減少するに違いない。中長期的に見ればこれは社会全体の就職率の低下となって現れる。(日本の場合、正規雇用が減少し、非正規雇用が増大しているが、全く同じ原理である)。就職率の回復を意図した金融政策が金融管理当局によって行われると、インフレーションが起こる。貨幣供給量の増加により貨幣の価値が下がるので、労働者の名目賃金を下げることなく実質賃金を下げることが可能となり、結果として就職率は回復する。が繰り返されると、止め処ないインフレーション・スパイラルに陥る。



The problem I want to consider is, thus, whether the rules for the standard type of corporation should, to a much greater degree than is the case at present, be governed by regulations which assure that the interest of the stockholder shall be paramount. I believe this to be the case and wish here to indulge in some bold mental experimentation with regard to the means of giving the stockholders greater powers in this respect. It seems to me that in this field the possibilities of arrangements different from those to which we are accustomed are all too little considered, and that the 'apathy' and lack of influence of the stockholder is largely the result of an institutional set-up which we have wrongly come to regard as the obvious or only possible one. (ibid, p.307)







【メモ】 F. A. Hayek, "Notes on the Evolution of Systems of Rules of Conduct"

個人用メモ。例の如くページ番号はStudies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (1967)のもの。

"If there exist recurrent and persistent structures of a certain type (i.e., showing a certain order), this is due to the elements responding to external influences which they are likely to encounter in a manner which brings about the preservation or restoration of this order; and on this, in turn, may be dependent the chances of the individuals to preserve themselves.
From any given set of rules of conduct of the elements will arise a steady structure (showing 'homeostatic' control) only in an environment in which there prevails a certain possibility of encountering the sort of circumstances to which the rules of conduct are adapted. A change of environment may require, if the whole is to persist, a change in the order of the group and therefore in the rules of conduct of the individuals; and a a spontaneous change of the rules of individual conduct and of the resulting order may enable the group to persist in circumstances which, without such change, would have led to its destruction." (p.71)


"Although the existence and preservation of the order of actions of a group can be accounted for only from the rules of conduct which individuals obey, these rules of conduct have developed because the individuals have been living in groups whose structures have gradually changed. In other words, the properties of the individuals which are significant for the existence and preservation of the group, and through this also for the existence and preservation of the individuals themselves, have been shaped by the selection of those individuals from the individuals living in groups which at each stage of evolution of the group tended to act according to such rules as made the group more efficient." (p.72)

ハイエク研究でよく話題になる、方法論的個人主義と集団淘汰論の整合性について。ここを読む限り、「方法論」と「存在論」を区別すべしと言う渡辺幹雄氏の指摘(『ハイエクと現代リベラリズム : 「アンチ合理主義的リベラリズム」の諸相』)は概ね妥当するように見える。個人の認識や行動が、集団・全体の効率性や存続に依存している以上、集団への論及抜きの方法論的個人主義は有り得ない。ただ、集団を安易に実体的な「存在」として捉えてしまうと、ヘーゲル=マルクス的な擬人的ホーリズムに繋がる恐れがあるので、できれば「存在論」という呼称は避けた方がいい気がする。

"Societies differ from simpler complex structures by the fact that their elements are themselves complex structures whose chance to persist depends on (or at least is improved by) their being part of the more comprehensive structure. We have to deal here with integration on at least two different levels, with on the one hand the more comprehensive order assisting the preservation of ordered structures on the lower level, and, on the other, the kind of order which on the lower level determines the regularities of individual conduct assisting the prospect of the survival of the individual only through its effect on the overall order of the society. (...)
This implies a sort of inversion of the relation between cause and effect in the sense that the structures possessing a kind of order will exist because the elements do what is necessary to secure the persistence of that order. The 'final cause' or 'purpose', i.e., the adaptation of the parts to the requirements of the whole, becomes a necessary part of the explanation why structures of the kind exist: we are bound to explain the fact that the elements behave in a certain way by the circumstance that this sort of conduct is most likely to preserve the whole – on the preservation of which depends the preservation of the individuals, which would therefore not exist if they did not behave in this manner. A 'teleological' explanation is thus entirely in order so long as it does not imply design by a maker but merely the recognition that the kind of structure would not have perpetuated itself if it did not act in a manner likely to produce certain effects, and that it has evolved through those prevailing at each stage who did." (p.76-77)


"Man does not so much choose between alternative actions according to their known consequences as prefer those the consequences of which are predictable over those the consequences of which are unknown. What he most fears, and what puts him in a state of terror when it has happened, is to lose his bearing and no longer know what to do. Though we all tend to associate conscience with the fear of blame or punishment by another will, the state of mind which it represents is psychologically little different from the alarm experienced by somebody who, while manipulating a powerful and complicated machinery, has inadvertently pulled the wrong levers and thereby produced wholly unexpected movements. The resulting feeling that something dreadful is going to happen because one has infringed rules of conduct is but one form of the panic produced when one realizes that one has entered an unknown world. A bad conscience is the fear of the dangers to which one has thus exposed oneself by having left the known path and entered such an unknown world. The world is fairly predictable only so long as one adheres to the established procedures, but it becomes frightening when one deviates from them.
In order to live successfully and to achieve one's aims within a world which is only very partially understood, it is therefore quite as important to obey certain inhibiting rules which prevent one from exposing oneself to danger as to understand the rules on which this world operates. Taboos or negative rules acting through the paralysing action of fear will, as a kind of knowledge of what not to do, constitute just as significant information about the environment as any positive knowledge of the attributes of the objects of this environment. While the latter enables us to predict the consequences of particular actions, the former just warns us not to take certain kinds of action. At least so long as the normative rules consist of prohibitions, as most of them probably did before they were interpreted as commands of another will, the 'Thou shalt not' kind of rule may after all not be so very different from the rules giving us information about what it is.*20" (p.80-81)

*20 The possibility contemplated here is not that all normative rules can be interpreted as descriptive or explanatory rules, but that the latter may be meaningful only within a framework of a system of normative rules.