

【メモ】 Lawrence Sklar (1982) "Saving the Noumena"

以下、頁番号はすべてThe Philosophy of Science (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)のもの。





Two theories might have all the same observational predictions but be so radically different in their structure at the theoretical level that one ought to take them as attributing (realistically) quite different explanatory structures to the world. (p.67)

Together, these two features of the theory, commonality of observational consequences and the existence of the appropriate structural mapping at the theoretical level, are taken to be enough to establish theoretical equivalence. (p.66)


For if the brain-in-a-vat account of the world is really equivalent to the ordinary material object world account, so long as the brain-in-a-vat account is suitably formally structured, then have we really gotten very far from merely saving the phenomena as sufficient for theoretical equivalence? (p.70)

→ これに対しては、次のように答えることができる。もし存在論的なコミットメントに関して異なる二つの理論が構造的に同型であるならば、その二つの理論は等価である。構造を離れた何らかの存在者を想定する必要はない、と。「欺く悪霊」の理論は、我々の通常の世界記述を、ミスリーディングな言い回しで言い換えたものに過ぎないのではないか。



Taking equivalence to demand more than commonality of observational consequences, the realist is faced with the threat of skepticism which arises when he tolerates inequivalent theories having all their observational consequences in common. (p.73)


→ 思うに、この点が問題になるのは、観察可能/観察不可能という区分を、Sklarが真に受け過ぎているから。彼は、観察可能性と検証可能性とを混同している。前者は後者を含意しない。というのも、観察不可能だが間接的に検証可能な事例は数多く存在するから。例えば、電場。電場は直接観察不可能だが、真空中の荷電粒子が加速されるのを観察できれば、荷電粒子に力を及ぼす空間の性質が存在すると結論できる。これを我々は電場と呼んでいるわけだ。要は、検証可能性は観察可能性よりも広い概念だということ。そして、Sklarの想定する実在論者に反して、この広い意味の検証によっても区別できない二つの理論があれば、その二つの理論は等価であると主張しても良いのではないか。今の私に擁護できるテーゼではないが、次のように主張したい:同じ経験的帰結を含意する二つの理論は、構造的にも同型である。つまり、構造が異なれば、その違いは必ず(間接的にであれ)検出可能だということ。



Theoretical postulation, we are told, does not merely summarize observational generality nor accommodate it in a compact syntactical form. Theoretical postulation is taken to explain the observational generality. Hence the mere statement of that generality is, in a fundamental sense, totally devoid of any real explanatory power. (p.76)


I want to argue that there is a fundamental tension between the realist's desire to posit a notion of explanation over and above that adopted by the positivist, and his desire to maintain a theory of the meaning of theoretical terms which allows for the notion of theoretical equivalence we have been discussing. (p.77)


The appearance of additional explanatory value in the substantivalist spacetime account, over the purely relationist theory, is due to the fact that while the reference to spacetime itself is really introduced only in the holistic-place-in-the-theory manner of the realist we have been emphasizing, the naive picture of spacetime as a kind of "ghostly" substance, sort of like a thin "rigid" extended material thing, gives us the impression that we are getting an explanation like that which the other kind of realist would offer. (p.78)


[T]his notion of theoretical meaning [as holistic place in the theory] and of theoretical equivalence [as observational equivalence + structural isomorphism] ... suffers also from the difficulty of making it hard for us to see just what it is that is explanatory in a theory, or in any of its equivalents, which is not already there in the allegedly nonequivalent and non-explanatory Craigian reduction of the theory so beloved of positivists. (p.79)


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