

Natus est hodie Dominus (Lyrics)

Natus est hodie Dominus

Source: Ensemble Organum, Graduel de Aliénor de Bretagne: Plain-chant et polyphonies des XIIIe & XIVe siècles

Natus est, natus est, natus est hodie Dominus
qui mundi, qui mundi, qui mundi diluit facinus
quem pater factor omnium
in hoc misit exilium
ut facturam redimeret
et paradiso redderet.

Hec minuit quod erat
assumens quod non erat
sed carnis sumpto pallio
in virginis palatio
ut sponsus de thalamo o
processit ex utero o

flos de iesse virgula a
fructus replet secula a
hunc predixit prophetia
nasciturum ex maria
quando flos iste nascitur
diabolus confunditur
et moritur mors et moritur mors et moritur mors.

Igitur, igitur, igitur mundana fabrica
iam nova, iam nova, iam nova concrepent cantica
pax pax pax est in terris reddita
per prothoplaustum perdita
orta prole summi patris
sacro sancta carnem matris
cipressus ex platano
veniens a libano o
est inclinata deitas
ut assumeret humanitas

o quanta leticia a o et quanta gracia a
tanta rei gaudia se ineffabilia a
o nativitas miranda o et dies veneranda
o stella maris inclita
eternem solem rogita
ut adiuvet nos ut adiuvet nos ut adiuvet nos.

Lux anni, lux anni, lux anni reducta ferculo
festiva, festiva, festiva refulget seculo
quam lux hominis filius
carnem suscepit virginis
in huius valle iherito
de germine Davitico
o magnus misterium !
o quale solatium !
deum qui cuncta condidit
puelle mater edidit.

Cuius puerperium
mundo fert remedium
missa pascit hostia
de superna gratia a.

Ergo fratres exultemus
et hec festa celebremus
ut hec nobis festivitas
sit omnibus prosperitas
Diex amen amen Diex amen !

He is born, He is born, He is born this day, the Lord
Who from the world, Who from the world, Who from the world hath washed our crime,
Whom the Father, the Creator of all things,
Hath sent into this exile,
That He redeem what hath been committed
And restore us to paradise.

He hath diminished what He was
Assuming that which He was not,
But having clothed Himself in flesh,
In the virginal palace,
As a bridegroom from the bridal chamber,
He came from the womb.

Flower of the staff of Jesse,
Fruit that replenisheth the ages,
This was foretold by prophecy,
That He would be born unto Mary.
When this flower was born,
The devil was confounded,
And death died, and death died, and death died.

Accordingly, accordingly, accordingly throughout the created world,
let new songs resound,
Peace, peace, peace hath returned to the world,
Which was lost by the first man.

Thanks to the offspring of the Almighty Father,
Issued from the most holy flesh of the Mother,
Cypress issued from the plane-tree
Come from Lebanon,
His Divinity deigned to lower itself
In order to assume human form.

Oh, what joy ! An oh, what grace !
Such rejoicing at an ineffable event.
Oh, admirable nativity! And oh, revered day !
Oh, sublime star of the sea,
Beseeching the eternal sun
That He come to our aid.

Light of years, the soul's sustenance,
Festive light, festive light, festive light shining upon the ages,
O what light, the son of man
Hath taken virginal flesh
In the valley of Jericho
Born of the seed of David.
O great mystery !
O what comfort !
The virgin mother hath given birth
To the God Who hath created all things.

Her childbirth
Hath brought redemption to the world,
The paschal victim feeds us
With eternal grace.

Therefore, brethren, let us rejoice,
And celebrate these festive days,
That unto us this feast
Be bountiful unto all men.
God, amen, amen God, amen !

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