Peirceの1908年の論文「不思議な迷宮―結論部」("Some Amazing Mazes: Conclusion")に面白い一節があるので、日本語に訳してみた。原文のpp. 463-64からの抜粋である。
But on analyzing carefully the idea of Time, I find
that to say it is continuous is just like saying that the atomic weight of oxygen
is 16, meaning that that shall be the standard for all other atomic
weights. The one asserts no more of Time than the other asserts concerning
the atomic weight of oxygen;—that is, just nothing at all. If we are to suppose
the idea of Time is wholly an affair of immediate consciousness, like
the idea of royal purple, it cannot be analyzed and the whole inquiry comes
to an end. If it can be analyzed, the way to go about the business is to trace
out in imagination a course of observation and reflection that might cause
the idea (or so much of it as is not mere feeling) to arise in a mind from
which it was at first absent. It might arise in such a mind as a hypothesis to
account for the seeming violations of the principle of contradiction in all
alternating phenomena, the beats of the pulse, breathing, day and night. For
though the idea would be absent from such a mind, that is not to suppose
him blind to the facts. His hypothesis would be that we are, somehow, in a
situation like that of sailing along a coast in the cabin of a steamboat in a
dark night illumined by frequent flashes of lightning, and looking out of the
windows. As long as we think the things we see are the same, they seem self-contradictory.
But suppose them to be mere aspects, that is, relations to ourselves,
and the phenomena are explained by supposing our standpoint to be
different in the different flashes. Following out this idea, we soon see that it
means nothing at all to say that time is unbroken. For if we all fall into a
sleeping-beauty sleep, and time itself stops during the interruption, the
instant of going to sleep is absolutely unseparated from the instant of waking;
and the interruption is merely in our way of thinking, not in time itself.
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